Daniel Bulford, ein ehemaliger RCMP-Scharfschütze für Trudeau, spricht sich gegen Impfvorschriften aus

Daniel Bulford, A Former RCMP Sniper For Trudeau, Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates

Polizeihauptmeister der Mounties kündigt seinen Job und verliest unter Tränen seinen geschworenen Amtseid

„Wir sollen die Kanadier und ihre Interessen schützen und sichern. Alle Kanadier, nicht nur einige wenige Auserwählte.“

„Wir sind nicht immun gegen den Makel der Geschichte. Und ich fürchte, wir könnten die Fehler der Vergangenheit wiederholen.“

„Es ist an der Zeit, in Geist, Körper und Charakter stark zu sein. Das wird Opfer und Vorbereitung erfordern.
Es ist schwierig, mit Menschen zu diskutieren, die bei einem so strittigen Thema anderer Meinung sind. Aber das ist ein guter Ansatzpunkt.
Mut erfordert Übung.“

Eine der besten und aufrichtigsten Reden der letzten Monate!
Ein absolutes Vorzeigebeispiel für alle Polizisten! Erinnert Euch wer ihr seid, bevor es zu spät ist. Bitte.


Daniel Bulford, A Former RCMP Sniper For Trudeau, Speaks Out Against Vaccine Mandates

“Many members of the RCMP and many police officers around Canada are saddened by what has been happening in our country these past few years.

“Many of us and many of you are being denied choice, but more than that, many of us are not pleased with our country’s stroll into division and discord. We want to see division resolved. We want our fellow citizens to thrive and be free of coercion and mistreatment.”


Former Sniper For Trudeau Is Coordinating Volunteer Security For Truckers
The Counter Signal
January 30, 2022


Corporal Daniel Bulford, a former RCMP sniper who was resigned after refusing to take the vaccine, has a new job: supporting security operations for volunteers in the adopt-a-trucker program.

Before the press conference for trustworthy media covering the Freedom Convoy began, The Counter Signal ran into Bulford, who confirmed that he’s no longer protecting the ungrateful Prime Minister.

Many will remember Bulford from an explosive interview with The Counter Signal last year, wherein he spoke out against the vaccine mandate, characterizing the government’s decision to impose such a mandate as “authoritarian type behaviour.”

Bulford, a staunch defender of Canadians’ freedom and spokesman for Mounties 4 Freedom, resigned over his refusal to comply with the mandate.

Yes, after more than a decade of serving his country, he was let go over a highly personal medical decision.

He later spoke with Rebel News, explaining his rationale for sticking to his guns and not complying.

“I definitely fall into a category that would be considered low-risk — almost 40, just a little bit shy of that mark, very healthy, very active, I don’t have any underlying comorbidities — and I’ve made it a part of my lifestyle, ever since probably going as far back as high school, to take health and fitness seriously,” Bulford explained.

Clearly, his passion for defending his fellow Canadians hasn’t been diminished one iota, and he now has an equally important job safeguarding truckers who undoubtedly appreciate him more than Trudeau ever did.


Quelle: https://t.me/s/NeuzeitNachrichten

Quelle: https://rumble.com/vu8kis-daniel-bulford-a-former-rcmp-sniper-for-trudeau-speaks-out-against-vaccine-.html